Needs Assessment Process
ESSER Needs Assesment Process
Kennedale ISD conducted a thorough Needs Assessment process prior to drafting the ESSER Use of Funds Plan.
1. Surveys were distributed to students, staff, and community members on June 7, 2021.
- All student population groups in grades K-12 were represented and completed the survey.
- Parents, community members, and staff completed the survey.
- All staff members received the survey.
- Special interest group representation was provided by members of the NAACP, Students with Disabilities (SWD), and veterans.
2. The following focal area needs were discovered from the surveys:
- Additional support during the school day for reading, writing, math
- Curriculum support in English language arts and math
- After school tutoring
- Student and teacher devices
- Classroom display equipment
- Increased opportunities to receive individual counseling for our students
- Increased lessons on social-emotional related topics
- Parent support in helping their children with mental health issues
- Repairing and improving school facilities to reduce the risk of virus transmission
- Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean district facilities
- Improving indoor air quality
3. An ESSER Stakeholders meeting was held on June 29th. During the meeting, participants reviewed and compared survey results and identified additional top needs based on survey data. The RIPICS (Return to In-Person and Continuity of Services) Plan was also reviewed.
4. The following focal area needs were discovered during the stakeholders meeting:
- Academic needs for students in reading, writing, math
- Teacher/Student interactive hands-on learning
- More teacher training to support behavior/emotional needs of our students
- More time in intervention
- More teachers to reduce class size
The ESSER III Use of Funds was presented to the board on July 15, 2021.