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GPA Task Force

The purpose of this task force is to evaluate Kennedale ISD's current GPA weighting system and Class Rank policies to ensure they align with best practices and support the success of all students.

This committee brings together parents, students, teachers, counselors, and district leaders to collaborate on a comprehensive review. By incorporating stakeholder feedback, conducting research, and performing thorough analysis, the committee will evaluate potential updates and provide recommendations to district leadership for consideration. 

Informational Meeting

Helpful Resources

As part of the ongoing review process of GPA and Class Rank policies, we want to ensure that all parents have access to the most current and relevant information. Below are several resources designed to help you better understand how GPA and class rank are calculated, and how they affect your child’s academic future. Please take some time to explore these resources for a comprehensive understanding of the policies and processes that shape your student’s educational journey.

Texas Education Agency (TEA) - High School Graduation Toolkit

How GPA Affects College Admissions - National Association for College Admission Counseling

College Board - Understanding AP and Honors Courses

Kennedale ISD’s Graduation & Class Rank Policy EIC (LOCAL)

Kennedale High Academic Planning and Course Catalog

KHS Career and Technology Video

2024 - 2025 CTE Endorsement Sequence


Frequently Asked Questions