New Student Registration
To register your new-to-district child for the upcoming school year, please read and complete the steps outlined below:
- Visit the ASCENDER ParentPortal homepage.
- Enter your email address, name, and phone number, and create a password for your account.
- Remember the email address and password associated with your account. Kennedale ISD utilizes ASCENDER annually to update information on students returning to our schools. Parents will use the same email address and password to sign in to the account in future years.
Kennedale ISD requires a parent or guardian to provide the following documents to complete the registration process:
Birth Certificate or Texas Education Agency acceptable equivalent
Current Immunization Record - All new-to-district students must submit a current vaccine record that complies with the Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements.
- Students coming from another Texas public or private school may be enrolled provisionally for no more than 30 days while awaiting the transfer of the immunization record.
- Students coming from another state or country can not be enrolled until a compliant vaccine record is received.
Social Security Card (If a parent chooses not to provide this information, a state ID number will be assigned to the student.)
Proof of Residency - Acceptable documentation must be in the name of the parent/guardian.
ELECTRIC, GAS, or WATER BILL | current within 30 days
LEASE AGREEMENT - lease agreement must list the student occupants, show a beginning and ending date, and include the property address with signatures from both the lessor and lessee.
RESIDENCY AFFIDAVIT - If the student and parent/guardian live in the home of another district resident, a Residency Affidavit must be completed. This form may be obtained from the campus or Administration Office, and MUST be notarized by a KISD employee. Residency Affidavits are only in effect for one school year.
NOTE: No other documents will be accepted as proof of residency—including, but not limited to, termination/disconnection notices, telephone bills, cable tv/internet bills, insurance policies, etc.
Last Report Card or Unofficial High School Transcript
Driver's License of enrolling parent/guardian
Once you have completed the online registration forms and uploaded the required documents, you will click "Enroll" and receive a confirmation message. The campus will review the registration and documents and contact you with any questions. You may contact the appropriate campus with any registration questions.